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Mission & Vision

Helping People connect to Christ, Church & Community!

Connect To Christ

When we share with our community the heart for why we are there, it's then we get to share who Christ is.  Earning a right to share the Gospel with someone gives the truth of its message much more weight. Our hope is that the people we get a chance to share with will accept the same invitation: Salvation that comes from Christ alone!  This truth will not only change who they are now, but it will change whose they are for all eternity.

Connect To Church

Becoming part of God's church is just like becoming part of a family & we believe that Bethel is one part of a much larger family of God.  Connecting to the local church is a result of connecting to Christ.  This allows us to gain strength, develop friendships that will be there with us not just on Sunday's & Wednesday's, but every day of the week and also give us opportunities to live out our faith.  If you don't have a church home, we invite you to come check out who we are!  If we aren't the church for you, we will help you find the fit for you and your family!

Connect To Community

The culture around us has and continues to shift very quickly. With that, we understand that most people don't just simply visit a church anymore.  Instead, we have to be the church and go to them. Therefore we want to be intentional in our efforts to take the Gospel to the people around us.  As we do that, we live out the two greatest commandments that Jesus shared: We love God and we love people!  It's then, we have the chance to share the heart of why we are there!